Bellingcat-Bericht: MH-17 wurde mit von Russland gelieferter BUK abgeschossen

Ein neuer Bericht eines unabhängigen Experten-Teams, dass ausschließlich öffentlich zugängliche Quellen ausgewertet hat, bringt Licht in die Affäre um den Abschuss der Malaysian-Air MH17 in der Ost-Ukraine.

Wesentliches Ergebnis. Die MH 17 wurde von Rebellen mit einer von Russland gelieferten BUK abgeschossen.

Wörtlich heißt es in dem Bericht, der sich insbesondere auf Recherchen vor Ort, Augenzeugenbefragungen und die Plausibiläts-Überprüfung zahlreiches Foto- und Videoaufnahmen stützt: “It is the opinion of the Bellingcat MH17 investigation team that there is undeniable evidence that separatists in Ukraine were in control of a Buk missile launcher on July 17th and transported it from Donetsk to Snizhne on a transporter. The Buk missile launcher was unloaded in Snizhne approximately three hours before the downing of MH17 and was later filmed minus one missile driving through separatist-controlled Luhansk.

The Bellingcat MH17 investigation team also believes the same Buk was part of a convoy travelling from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade in Kursk to near the Ukrainian border as part of a training exercise between June 22nd and July 25th, with elements of the convoy separating from the main convoy at some point during that period, including the Buk missile launcher filmed in Ukraine on July 17th. There is strong evidence indicating that the Russian military provided separatists in eastern Ukraine with the Buk missile launcher filmed and photographed in eastern Ukraine on July 17th”

bellingcat – Origin of the Separatists’ Buk: A Bellingcat Investigation
UK & Europe MH17 Russia Ukraine Origin of the Separatists’ Buk: A Bellingcat Investigation November 8, 2014 By Bellingcat Summary This report analyses evidence from open sources, in particular social media, relating to the Buk missile launcher filmed and photographed in eastern Ukraine on July 17th…